MeWithoutYou is a unique band to say the least. They are in a world of it's own, bad and good. They will never find huge success and they are not seeking it either. Seen as a hippie band by some due to a van that runs on vegetable oil and other things, they won the won mtvU's "Left Field" award for most original artist. Frontman Aaron Weiss is immediately identifiable upon hearing his talking/shouting style of vocals. Their last album, Catch Us For the Foxes was a large jump in style and experimentation for the band and was produced by Brad Wood. Using the same producer in this outing, the experimentation continues and is a success for all express purposes. Weiss shouts less than previous albums and he spouts more poetry along with singing and background vocals. There are horns, an accordion, a harp, and other new instruments on this cd. Unmistakably, this is a MeWithOutYou album.
In my opinion, some things work, and some things fall flat. Some songs just aren't that good and others you'll want to listen to over and over again. They outshine the others so much I find myself not wanting to listen to those other songs too much. There are several tracks that are interludes that are a waste (orange spider, yellow spider, etc). The horns are amazing on 'C Minor' thanks to Anathallo's guest appearance, my favorite track on the disc. I found myself humming the tune the next day. 'A Glass Can Only Spill What It Contains' and 'Nice and Blue Part Two' fill out my other favorite tracks. Coming in at 43:39, there are only really 10 songs.
Their second cd pulled me into the band and I enjoy some of the songs here, but I really can't say this is an amazing cd. It is average to say the least. If you are a huge fan, pick this up. If not, check out some of the songs here and give them a listen.
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