Friday, March 9, 2007

300 (The Movie)

I saw 300 Thursday night at a preview screening. There are four scenes that are totally unnecessary and I found myself scratching my head as to why they are in the movie. 3 of these comes from added material that is not included in the original graphic novel itself.

1) The oracle women wears a see-through white covering and you see everything when she is flailing around on her back.

2) King Leonidas and his wife are featured in a sex scene.

3) There is a scene in Xerxes tent where there are lots and lots of women, mostly naked, dancing and kissing each other and having sex and such.

4) King Leonidas' wife gets raped.

Due to these scenes alone, I would recommend renting this on DVD when this comes out if you really want to see it. You could, in fact, read the graphic novel and enjoy yourself without compromising your mind if you are male.

The blood and gore in this movie is no problem for me. The battles are gory, you see limbs chopped off, blood flies, and there is no mercy in battle. The movie basically adds plot by adding more characterization to King Leonidas by having you feel for his family, and there is also a subplot dealing with the politics in Sparta.

This movie is rated R not only for the violence, but for nudity, naked women. I enjoyed the film some, but it gets somewhat repetetive with more waves of men coming and them getting slaughtered. The scenes I mentioned first make me not recommend this film to be seen in the theatre. In fact, it's rated R, don't go see it. Quite simple, actually.

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